Sunday, April 8, 2012

Cutting the Fabric

Today we cut out the fleece that will cover the head and the body. It was fairly simple, and if we had the proper thread (whoops!) we would have started stitching them together today as well. Our biggest problem is that we don't have a dedicated work space. The light is crappy, and we're trying to use this huge cutting board on our living room floor. It's ok for now, but we really need to find a place to set aside space for the sewing machine on a table and space to keep puppet supplies.

First I traced the pattern with a yellow marker, which smelled more than any of the others. It was the lightest color we had and I really didn't want the black marker to accidentally bleed through.

I traced both sides before I began cutting. With the pattern you flip it over to get both sides, otherwise you'll have two of the same side and it won't work right.

I cut out both sides of the skull covering together into one big chunk to make it easier to manage.

Chuck working on cutting out the body section

My attempt to fit the skull covering before I stitched it together. Kinda looks like a helmet. Or Hannibal Lecter. "Hello, Clarice."

Both of the skull coverings of mine. The open pieces facing each other there are the mouth opening.

So here's where we are so far!  Progress!

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