Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Covering the beak!

For tonight's adventure, I covered the beak with fabric!  It turned out pretty well... though not as well as I might have liked.  I have to keep reminding myself that this is my first attempt and a learning experience.  And as Veronica reminded me, Jim Henson's first puppets weren't perfect either.

In order to keep the fabric cost as low as possible (in case I screwed it up), I went thrift storing this evening and found a bright yellow fleece vest for $2.90.  Needless to say, it is no longer wearable!

In order  to keep the beak as seamless as possible,  I cut the fabric to the appropriate shape and used the hot glue gun to attach it.  Over all, it looks okay.  But upon closed examination the flaws are apparent.  The points of the beak are bunchier than I would have liked and on the right side of the top beak (pictured above) the yellow fleece and black felt didn't quite meet, due to a miscalculation on my part.

And here you can see the bunchy beak tips I mentioned.  Veronica thinks that the beak turned out really well, but I'm trying to think of ways to cover the flaws.  Maybe I can give him lips?  Or a mustache?  We'll see.

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