Saturday, April 7, 2012

Building - Parts 1 and 2

So, Chuck(my fiance) and I decided we wanted to make our own puppets! We got the pattern from Project Puppet and followed the instructions for the Roly Puppet on the tutorial on YouTube.

Before I started this blog we'd already made the mouth plates and skulls, and today we are attaching the mouth plates with felt coverings to the skull. I'd accidentally glued the felt (white) on the "wrong" side of my mouth plate and had to re-glue the proper color (red for me). Somehow in doing this it made my mouth look more feminine than Chuck's. Funny how mistakes work out for the best, eh?

Below are a few pictures I snapped of our work thus far.

This is the foam we used for the skull. We could only find the proper thickness at a Hancocks in Marietta. They have in a HUGE package, but it was only $15 and we could likely make several more puppets from what we have remaining.

Here is Chuck adding contact cement to his felt that will be the inside of his puppet's mouth.

That's the skull piece that will be attached to the mouth plate.

I highly recommend getting a whole can of the contact cement rather than just a tube. The can is only about $1 more and the tube will only just barely make one puppet. It's also easier to spread out on surfaces that the tube stuff.

My mouth plate with foam over the hand to hold it in the proper place.

Mine with the skull part attached to the mouth plate.

Both of ours. Chuck's is on the left, and mine is on the right.

Next blog I'll snap some pictures of us sewing the material together. We got some fleece that looks slightly skin toned. We plan on making YouTube videos with puppets, possibly preforming at local libraries, and even using puppets that look like us at our Muppets themed wedding in February 2013!

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