Veronica: "YAY! We now have an AMAZING new banner designed by Chuck! Doesn't it look great? Today we worked on the hands of the puppet. There were a few snafus, which we.... Worked out?"
The Puppeteer's Unite YouTube tutorial said it would be easiest to stitch the hands together, then cut it out from the fabric. One mistake though, Veronica sewed the bottom section and didn't reinforce the edge, so the thread started to come out at the bottom of the arms. Fixed by going over it a few times.
Next she cut each hand into two chunks to make trimming it down easier.
While she worked on that, Chuck was busy tracing his own pattern.
The tutorial suggested using a dowel for turning the hand and arm right side out, but Veronica didn't was too impatient for that and did it by hand. Chuck followed the instructions.
One of Chuck's hands traced and stitched. You can see the errors he made with this hand- made the fingers too close together, missed the turn while sewing the thumb and made it too thin, and got off-track somehow on the first finger. But he learned from those mistakes and did much better with the second hand!
Chuck working hard on his puppet.
Both of Veronica's hands and arms once she got them turned right side out.
Chuck using one a dowel to stuff his "good" hand with poly-fill.
The good hand is done! Notice that the fingers are spaced much better and the thumb is the right shape. As Admiral Kirk would awkwardly say to a hot young Vulcan, "We learn by doing."
When getting ready to attach the arms.... Veronica did not realize that the doll-arm piece would lock into place. Plus, these were FAR too big for the puppets. We'll have to find smaller ones for the next puppets.
Next time we'll be stitching the arms onto the puppets!
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